Yukako Yamano Nepal Tour

Activity report

[Activity report 6]


My tour is only 1 performance left! (I will not donate tomorrow to play at a private school) The following items were purchased and delivered using the crowdfunding funds received from everyone. ↓↓↓ 5 football balls 5 basketball balls 5 volleyball balls 3 volleyball nets 2 air pumps 4 badminton nets 10 badminton rackets 10 badminton wings (plastic) 10 badminton wings (feather) 3 calom boards 2 guitars 5 guitar strings 2 Madals (Nepalese drums) 2 flutes 2 Kanzari (Indian percussion instruments) Large drum Small drum 5 Ludo 5 Chess 15 jump ropes 5 Frisbee On February 23rd, we provided food and drinks at the Human Welfare Society with the funds raised for "San-Sar". In addition, we received clothes sent by the owner of San-Sar, Urmira. My tour will finish when I arrive home. I'll do my best until the end!!

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  • Yukako Yamano Yukako Yamano
