About registration, log in, and withdrawal

About registration, log in

I forget my password. How do I log in?
Access to account page. After type registrated E-mail address, click Send for reset your password.
You will receive an E-mail you tyeped for reset your password.
Reset your password from the link on the E-mail.
Type your password by half-width(8-12 words and numbers)
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A message "The E-mail address is existed" is displayed. How do I log in?
Your E-mail address is pre-registration status.
Make sure the E-mail titled "Confirm your E-mail address."
If you do NOT receive the E-mail, it may be blocked as a spam.
Check your spam folder.
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I cannot register. How do I sign up?
You may complete regstration with the E-mail you use.
Related articles:A message "The E-mail address is existed" is displayed.Check
I forget my password: related articles:I forget my password. How do I log in?Check
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About payment

About payment method

What kind of payment methods do I use?
You can below payment methods.
  • Credit card
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What kind of credit vards do I use?
You can use beloe three(3) credit cards.
  • VISA
  • Master Card
  • JCB
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What is security cords?
Security cord is a specified code which blocks unauthorized use. See below about more information.
  • Security cord is the three(3) digits number on the flip side of the card.
If you do NOT place securuty cord, Contact crdit card campany.
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