松本英子 デビュー20周年記念プロジェクト

Activity report

Introducing the Members of the 20th Anniversary Project vol. 10


Yoshitaka Taira from The LOVE. I call him “Tairappi “ usually. We’ve known each other for about 20 years. We used to belong to the same label, and also we had the same director for radio program. We get together for “Nakameguro party” where various radio DJs and musicians get together. So we had a lot of connection over the 20 years, and I feel like he’s one of my family members. I really liked his works since his debut. We once made a song together; composed by him and lyrics written by me. Sometimes I joined their concert as a chorus or made songs together. Now he’s become a popular composer, so I hesitated to ask him to write a song for me like when I asked Minako Kawae. But I really wanted him to write me a song because he knows me well. So I ended up asking him to write me a song and also its lyrics and he said yes! I was really looking forward to the song and the other day he sent me the song! The title is… “Lost Jellyfish” I was like “Jellyfish”?! You may be feeling the same way.. Hmm.. what is the song going to be like..? Please look forward to it!

Introducing the Members of the 20th Anniversary Project vol. 10