松本英子 デビュー20周年記念プロジェクト

Activity report

Introducing the Members of the 20th Anniversary Project vol. 13


I couldn’t have come this far without this person, Yurika Oishi. She and I went to Sweden back in July for recording, and we made a song together with Douglas. She also participated as a chorus as well. To complete the song we made together, she and I added some ideas on the basic code Douglas made at the beginning. The title is the same as the title of this album: “My Coloring Book.”!! We also wrote the lyrics together, and she directed the final output. She wrote the first song for the 15th anniversary album as well. I am so grateful that we were able to work together this time as well. I can rely on her about anything when it comes to music. All we have to do now is to wait for Douglas to arrange the song. More and more songs are complete, and we’re able to see the goal now. The deadline for the Crowdfunding deal is coming soon, but I will continue to write blogs in here so please stay tuned!

Introducing the Members of the 20th Anniversary Project vol. 13